Stress in the workplace

Stress can have a major effect on work performance. Some of the consequences of workplace stress include absenteeism, diminished performance, negative attitude and cynicism, decline in commitment and creativity, and a decreased ability to concentrate, learn and interact with other employees. Stressed workers can also develop a range of symptoms including insomnia, headaches, back pain, gastrointestinal disorders, fatigue, anxiety, irritability and depression.

The following is a small list of articles providing information on how to deal with workplace stress (unfortunately due to copyright they are only accessible to NSW public library members - see below for instructions on how to view them). Alternatively click here for a list of relevant articles from Google Scholar.

Troubled workers
Ten ways to get organised
Scope to choose
So you want to ... deal with workplace stress
The great depression
Surge in claims for workplace stress
Don't stress out
Stressed for success

To access the above artlcles (have your library card handy) first bookmark this page. Then go to eResources and login selecting your library from the drop down list at the top right hand corner of the page. Follow the prompt to give your libary membership number. Choose Australia New Zealand Reference Centre (ANZRC or ANZ Reference Centre) as the database you would like to use whenever asked.

When you're logged in, and USING A NEW TAB in your internet browser, click on the bookmark you saved for this page (Stress in the Workplace) and follow the links.